Human Resources
In support of the district’s mission of student achievement, our Human Resources Department recruits, develops, motivates and retains the most qualified individuals committed to creating a positive working environment districtwide. While demonstrating excellent personal and group performance, we provide employment information to employees and to the greater community, advise employees on district policies, procedures, and regulations, and maintain personnel records in order to support our staff in providing quality education to all students in an environment that is safe and conducive to learning.
The Torrance Unified School District is an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action / American Disabilities Act Employer and does not engage in any employment practice that discriminates against an employee or applicant on the basis of race (including hairstyle/texture), color, religion, ancestry, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, citizenship, national origin, genetic information, medical condition or physical or mental disability.
Human Resources Team
Julio Hernandez - Chief Personnel Officer - 310-972-6071
Carrie Skoll - Director - Human Resources - 310-972-6073
- Elyse Imperial - Senior Administrative Assistant - Human Resources - 310-972-6072 - Certificated Administrator Recruitment and Placement; Student Teacher Placements and Agreements
Kerri Nakayama - Staff Assistant - Human Resources - 310-972-6039 - Classified Evaluations; Collective bargaining needs for classified unions; APPLE retirement plan
Verification of Experience & AB 2534 Requests - All Employees
- Carol Chang - HR Technician - 310-972-6077 (Work Hours 6am - 3pm)
Certificated Employee Recruitment & Credentialing
Dana Smart - Certificated Recruiter - HR Specialist - 310-972-6079 - Recruiting for substitute and full-time certificated applicants; Certificated Evaluations
Karena Ortiz - Credentials Analyst - 310-972-6080 - Credential Records; Assignment Monitoring; Column changes for certificated employees
Certificated Employee Support Team
Jacqueline Phipps - HR Specialist - 310-972-6081 - Certificated employees - South and West areas; Community Day & Shery High; Sub Teachers (A-L); Athletic Team Coaches (South Area)
Ashley Cardenas - HR Specialist - 310-972-6076 - Certificated employees - North and Central areas; Adult Education Certificated Staff; Sub Teachers (M-Z); Athletic Team Coaches (North Area)
Classified Employee Support Team
Mandy Johnston - HR Specialist - 310-972-6074 - Classified employees (A-L); Athletic Team Coaches (West Area); Student Supervision Assistants (West and South Areas)
Teresa Simone - HR Specialist - 310-972-6075 - Classified employees (M-Z); Athletic Team Coaches (Central Area); Student Supervision Assistants (Central and North Areas)
Substitute Employee Support Team
- Elizabeth Hinojosa - HR Technician - 310-972-6078 - Substitute Teaching Assignments, Frontline (Aesop) point-of-contact (Work Hours 6am - 3pm)
- Carol Chang - HR Technician - 310-972-6077 - Classified Clerical Substitute assignments; (Work Hours 6am - 3pm)
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