Portrait of a Graduate
What is a Portrait of a Graduate?
A collective vision that articulates the desired outcomes of all K-12 students in Torrance Unified, including competencies and personal qualities that positions them for success in life and career.
Passionately champions civic engagement and global citizenship, proactively contributing to a more inclusive, equitable, and interconnected world through dedicated actions, advocacy, service, and environmental stewardship.
Demonstrates academic literacies and continuously pursues interdisciplinary knowledge, welcoming challenges as pathways to growth, and crafting solutions by leveraging innovative ideas, critical thinking skills, evidence-based insights, technology, and diverse perspectives.
Positively influences others with a style of leadership that models integrity, responsibility, resilience, empathy, and respect for others.
Actively listens to understand others, seeks common ground, and effectively articulates ideas, positions, and stories in ways that build strong interpersonal relationships and collaborations for mutual benefit.
Prioritizes self-care by developing healthy habits and life skills that ensure long-term physical, mental, emotional, social, and financial well-being.
Hover and explore each element above to read more.
Why Did We Develop Our Portrait of a Graduate?
- Defines Student Success
- Guides Curriculum Development
- Shapes Educational Experiences
- Engages the Entire Community
- Empower Students
Development Process:
- National and International Models & Research
- Benchmarking with Other Peer Districts
- Focus Groups with Students, Staff, Parents, & Alumni
- Torrance Business CEO Review and Input
- Workshop with TOSAs
- Leadership Team Discussion and Input
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